Ocean County Basketball

Rec 4th & 5th Grade Girls

Click the logo for individual information

4th & 5th Grade Rules

Size of Ball: 28.5

Time of Game:  2 Halves:  18 minutes/half= Clock Stops “Last Minute of Each Half”

Timeouts: 3 Timeouts Total Per Game; May use any time

Halftime:  2 Minutes Per Half

Overtime: 3 minutes-1st; 1-minute-2nd; 3rd minutes- Set clock at 3 minutes with Sudden Death Rules-any point 

                      either by foul shot or field goal ends game; if tied still= remains tied

 Defense: Can pick-up at Half Court unless last two minutes

Press: LAST 2 MINUTES OF EACH HALF anywhere on the court-No Press at 10 Points

Foul Shots:  15 Feet from basket or at referee’s discretion; 1-1 at 7 Fouls; Double BONUS AT 10 Fouls

Foul Out: 6 Player Personal Fouls

Lane Violations:  5 Seconds

**Should not be any flagrant or technical fouls-players should always exhibit sportsmanship

**All agree to a Zero Tolerance Policy



Players: All Players must play at least one half and appear in the 1st and 2nd half

Book: To Be Filled out by the coach and run by a parent/coach of the HOME Team

Offensive Fouls: Count as Player and Team Fouls

Scoreboard: To be run by the parent/coach of the AWAY Team

Defense: Can Play Any Defense